Inside Out Of My Mind

About Me

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Born and raised in Metro Detroit. I have a deep love for the city and all that it has to offer. Always seeking growth, absorbing all that I can and cherishing the treasures that I collect along the way. I am fortunate in my life to experience many true connections with others where I am gifted with energy, light, passion and grace.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

From The Inside Out

I completed this painting titled, "From The Inside Out" back in 1994. Of course, this is where I derived the name for my blog. I began painting a few years before this one but it was the first painting that I attempted on a canvas of that size. It began a new phase for me in how I would express myself through art. At this point, I began to allow the paint to flow through me onto the canvas. I have no formal ideas when I set up to paint. I truly feel that the paintings develop me instead of the other way around. I will share more of my creations in the future.


  1. Beautiful! Keep painting Kyra allowing the Universal Truth of Divine Love to open the floodgates of your heart to others.

    Your entire being will become more fluid and you will find the universe working through you as if you were being played like some cosmic musical instrument in a symphony of splendid scale!

    I see that happened to you when you painted this back in 1994
